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Parchment rolls

Parchment rolls

The Archivio Capitolare currently possess 272 parchment rolls (13th-20th c.), most of which arrived at the Archive through the testamentary bequest of canon Atto Maria Arfaruoli (d. 1791). The rich diplomatic collections of the Chapter and of the cathedral of San Zeno (1720 parchment rolls, dated from April 28, 857 to April 2, 1568) were transferred to Florence (where they can be found today, housed at the Archivio di Stato) following the motu proprio issued on December 24, 1778 by Grand Duke Pietro Leopoldo. Before they were moved to the Archivio di Stato, canon Giuseppe Talini compiled an accurate list of the parchment rolls that were still extant (C.164). The Archive also conserves the famous cartulary (the Libro Croce; ms. C.132, edited by Quinto Santoli and published in 1939), in which two Pistoian notaries, Gualberto and Domiziano, transcribed the majority of the canonic and Chapter papers written from 923 to 1265 (254 documents).

This section is divided into the following categories:

Online Materials (46):

Documenti 21/40 di totali: 46

PT AC, Perg. 21
PT AC, Perg. 21
PT AC, Perg. 22
PT AC, Perg. 22
PT AC, Perg. 23
PT AC, Perg. 23
PT AC, Perg. 24
PT AC, Perg. 24
PT AC, Perg. 25a
PT AC, Perg. 25a
PT AC, Perg. 25b
PT AC, Perg. 25b
PT AC, Perg. 25c
PT AC, Perg. 25c
PT AC, Perg. 26a
PT AC, Perg. 26a
PT AC, Perg. 26b
PT AC, Perg. 26b
PT AC, Perg. 26c
PT AC, Perg. 26c
PT AC, Perg. 26d
PT AC, Perg. 26d
PT AC, Perg. 26e
PT AC, Perg. 26e
PT AC, Perg. 26f
PT AC, Perg. 26f
PT AC, Perg. 26g
PT AC, Perg. 26g
PT AC, Perg. 26h
PT AC, Perg. 26h
PT AC, Perg. 27
PT AC, Perg. 27
PT AC, Perg. 28
PT AC, Perg. 28
PT AC, Perg. 29
PT AC, Perg. 29
PT AC, Perg. 30
PT AC, Perg. 30
PT AC, Perg. 31
PT AC, Perg. 31

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